Publications of Michael “Mick” Patrick Mulroy
Foreign Policy
- For Now, U.S. Troops Are Likely in Iraq to Stay, Bilal Y. Saab and Michael P. Mulroy, Foreign Policy, January 9, 2020. Please click here.
- ABC News: Protecting US troops will also safeguard national security, Mick Mulroy and Oehlerich, ABC News, April 28, 2020. Please click here.
- Webcast: The Effects of COVID-19 on U.S. Defense Strategy in the Middle East, Mick Mulroy, Joe Votel and others, Middle East Institute, April 27, 2020. Please click here.
- Gulf Partners Can No Longer Afford To Stay The Course With U.S. Iran Policy, Bilal Y. Saab and Michael P. Mulroy, National Public Radio, May 15, 2020. Please click here.
- Webinar: Governance and security under the Kurds vs. the Turkish-backed groups, Mick Mulroy, Washington Kurdish Institute, June 11, 2020. Please click here.
- The Lawfare Podcast: Yemen’s Ongoing Tragedy, Mick Mulroy and Elisabeth Kendall, Lawfare, August 26, 2020. Please click here.
- Podcast: Yemen’s dire crisis continues, Jerry Feierstein and Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, August 26, 20202. Please click here.
- Lessons from the Middle East, Mick Mulroy, Daphna Rand, Joyce Karem, and others, Carnegie Endowment, September 24, 2020. Please click here.
- Special Briefing: The Trump administration’s potential last-minute Middle East policy moves, Khaled Elgindy, Randa Slim, Mick Mulroy, Nazee Moinian, Chris Kubecka, Gerald M. Feierstein, Middle East Institute, December 3, 2020. Please click here.
- Former CIA official to i24NEWS: Assassination changes dynamics in Iran, Mick Mulroy, Israel 24 News, December 2, 2020. Please click here.
- Al-Monitor Podcast: Former Pentagon Official Mick Mulroy makes the case for the US staying power in the Middle East, Mick Mulroy, Al-Monitor, December 17, 2020. Please click here.
- An Open Letter to the Secretary of State on the Proposal to Designate the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, Barbara Bodine, Bill Burns, Thomas Pickering, Mick Mulroy and others, Middle East Institute, December 22, 20202. Please click here.
- The incoming Biden Administration and the Kurdish region of Iraq, Mick Mulroy, Kurdistan 24, January 23, 2021. Please click here.
- COVID-19 & Conflict in the Middle East, Mick Mulroy, Eric Oehlerich, Amanda Blair, Middle East Institute, January 21, 2021. Please click here.
- Can US Centcom afford Israel? Bilal Saab and Michael Mulroy, The National, January 26, 2021. Please click here.
- Ranks push back on criticism of pregnant women in the military. A Fox News host suggested women made a ‘mockery’ of the U.S. Military, as published by ABC News, by Luis Martinez, March 12, 2021. Please click here.
- Al-Ghad TV Egypt discussion on U.S. interests in the Middle East. As published by Al-Ghad. Please click here.
- An Uncertain Future: Prospects for ISIS Detainees in Syria and Iraq, Middle East Institute, webinar. Please click here.
- Rise of Home-Grown Extremists, Here Now the News Podcast, hosted by Jerry Barmash, with Mick Mulroy. Please click here.
- The Biden administration and the Middle East: Reflecting on the first 100 days, Middle East Institute, Mick Mulroy, April 26, 2021. Please click here.
- Podcast: What’s next for Afghanistan? Marvin Weinbaum, Husain Haqqani, and Mick Mulroy join host Alistair Taylor to discuss the future of Afghanistan following the imminent US military withdrawal. Middle East Institute, July 2021. Please click here.
- Global Crisis Watch, Multiple National Security Topics, Media Maven Podcasts. Please click here.
- Now is the time for a difficult conversation, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute. Please click here.
- ABC News: The future of Afghanistan, ABC News analyst Mick Mulroy explains how Afghanistan might become a safe haven for terror groups as the Taliban takes control of the country. Please click here.
- Biden Must Keep U.S. Operatives in Afghanistan To Enable the Counterterrorism Mission, TIME Magazine, Bilal Y. Saab and Mick Mulroy, August 23, 2021. Please click here.
WWNW with Mick Mulroy on the future of Afghanistan, Montana World Affairs Council, Chris Hyslop. Please click here.
Budget dust: Better approaches for security and sustainability – lessons learned from Iraq and Afghanistan, Middle East Institute, Eric Oehlerich, and Mick Mulroy, September 14, 2021. Please click here.
- The Team House Podcast: Mick Mulroy CIA Paramilitary Operations Officer, with Jack Murphy and Dave Parke, Ep. 115. Please click here.
- The Burn Bag Podcast: After the Pivot: Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Mick Mulroy on the U.S. Middle East Policy, October 11, 2021, with A’ndre Gonawela and Ryan Rosenthal, Ep. 84. Please click here.
- We need to compete by building and maintaining partnerships globally, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute. Please click here.
- Towards a Sustainable U.S. Posture in the Middle East, Webinar, Center for a New American Security, November 2021, Please click here.
- Webinar: Israeli Defense in the Changing Middle East, Moshe Yaalon, Mike Nagata, Marwa Maziad, and Mick Mulroy, November 10, 2021 (the 246th Birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps). Please click here.
- The right war fought the wrong way: Reflecting on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, January 5, 2022. Please click here.
- How Iran is Winning, One Attack at a Time, As published by The Cipher Brief JANUARY 26TH, 2022 BY KEVIN DONEGAN MICHAEL “MICK” PATRICK MULROY MICHAEL NAGATA N. JOSEPH VOTEL X. BILAL Y. SAAB |Please click here.
- Multiple appearances on ABC News Live. Please click here.
- Multiple appearances on the Montana World Affairs Council. Please click here.
- How the US could work with its allies to collectively isolate Russia: ANALYSIS (War in Ukraine), Mick Mulroy, ABC News, February 26, 2022. Please click here.
- NATO could implement measures to isolate Putin as he targets civilians: ANALYSIS, Mick Mulroy, ABC News, March 6, 2022. Please click here.
- Partners Don’t Pivot, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, March 28, 2022. Please click here.
- On the JCPOA, we need an agreement that works for everyone, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, March 28, 2022. Please click here.
- How Putin’s War in Ukraine is impacting the Middle East, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, April 24, 2022. Please click here.
- The decision to send troops back to Somalia was the right one, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, May 23, 2022. Please click here.
- Yemen: Give Peace a Serious Change, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, June 21, 2022. Please click here.
- The leader of the free world must lead it, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, July 7, 2022. Please click here.
- The US strike on al-Qaeda leader al-Zawahiri, Mick Mulroy Javid Ahmed, Douglas London, Middle East Institute, August 9, 2022. Please click here.
- On the Anniversary of the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Mick Mulroy and Sam Mundy, Middle East Institute, August 30, 2022. Please click here.
- Strategic Competition and Re-Evaluating the US and Saudi ties, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, November 14, 2022. Please click here to view.
- Want Peace in Yemen? First Restore the Balance of Power, Sam Mundy, and Mick Mulroy, Atlantic Council, January 6, 2023. Please click here to view.
- CHINA SPY BALLOON, US Marines, Spies at CIA & LOBO w/ Michael Patrick Mulroy, Vuyo November of Caselena Studios Pretoria, South Africa, February 17, 2023. Please click here to view.
- One year on, Ukrainians continue to defy the odds, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, February 24, 2023. Please click here.
- 117: Part I. former DASD, Michael Patrick Mulroy, on Integrating Civil Affairs, One CA Podcast, Civil Affairs Association, February 27, 2023. Click here to view.
- 118: Part II. former DASD, Michael Patrick Mulroy, on Integrating Civil Affairs, One CA Podcast, Civil Affairs Association, February 27, 2023. Click here to view.
- The Future of CT Operations in Iraq, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, March 21, 2023. Please click here.
- China Spy balloons, CIA, U.S. Marine Corps and Lobo Institute with Michael P. Mulroy, Casalenda Studio Podcast, April 3, 2023. Please click here to listen.
- Memorial Day is More Than Just the Start of Summer, Mick Mulroy, National Review, May 23, 2023. Please click here.
- We Need a New Big Stick Policy for Iran, by Sam Mundy and Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, April 11, 2023. Please click here.
- The case for an enhanced major non-NATO ally status, by Sam Mundy and Mick Mulroy, Military Times, August 9, 2023. Please click here to view.
- Mick Mulroy: Ukraine’s Cost of Freedom, by Mick Mulroy, The Missoulian, August 23, 2023. Please click here.
- US-Bahrain security relationship: A Framework for the Future, Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, September 18, 2023. Please click here to view.
- What Could Happen if America Stops Supporting Ukraine, by Mick Mulroy and Chris Hyslop, The Messenger and RealClearDefense, October 13, 2023. Please click here.
- The Hamas Attack on Israel and What Might Follow, by Mick Mulroy, the Middle East Institute, October 7, 2023. Please click here.
- Israel Seeks to Split Hamas from Gaza’s Civilian Population, by Mick Mulroy, the Middle East Institute, November 6, 2023. Please click here.
- Improving U.S. Disaster Relief at Reduced Risk and Cost, Sam Mundy, Mick Mulroy, Ben Connable, Lawfare, January 7, 2024. Please click here.
- A Strategy for Countering the Houthi Threat at Sea, Kevin Donegan, Mick Mulroy, Sam Mundy, Bilal Saab, Joe Votel, Middle East Institute, February 5, 2024. Please click here.
- Defense Rapid Reaction: Iran’s Unprecedented Direct Strike Against Israel, Michael K. Nagata, Kevin Donegan, Mick Mulroy, Jeff Jager, Middle East Institute, April 14, 2024. Please click here.
- Is the Middle East About to Explode? w/ Mick Mulroy, Eyes On, Ep. 34, Team House Podcast, April 6, 2024. Please click here.
- With the Middle East on the brink, how can the US recalibrate its response? Mick Mulroy, Middle East Institute, August 23, 2024. Please click here.
- Are Outside Powers Bring Drawn into the Hezbollah-Israel Conflict? Randa Slim, Mick Mulroy, Alex Vatanka, Middle East Institute, October 3, 2024. Please click here.
- BOOK – Imagine: Winning the New Cold War, Mick Mulroy and various other authors (50 total), October 11, 2024. Please click here.
Irregular Warfare
- The killing of Qassem Soleimani: Was there a better way? Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, January 13, 2020. Please click here.
- A tale of two partners: Comparing two approaches for partner force operations, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, January 29, 2020. Please click here.
- Russia’s Middle East: You probe with bayonets. If you find mush, you proceed, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, February 27, 2020. Please click here.
- Jannah or Jahannam: Options for Dealing with ISIS Detainees, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, October 13, 2020. Please click here.
- Will there be an American insurgency? Mick Mulroy, ABC News, November 18, 2020. Please click here.
- Covert action and national security, Mick Mulroy, ABC News, January 5, 2021. Please click here.
- Episode 9 – How to Combat Extremism Within the U.S. Government – Michael Mulroy, The Alex Tremble Show, February 9, 2021. Please click here.
- Political risk vs. risk to force: How policy decisions impact risk and capability in partner operations, Middle East Institute, by Mick Mulroy, Eric Oehlerich, and Walton Mulroy. Please click here.
- Irregular Warfare: A Case Study in CIA and US Army Special Forces Operations in Northern Iraq, 2002-03, Andrew L., Mick Mulroy, Kenneth Tovo, Middle East Institute, August 12, 2021. Please click here.
- How to put out the fires of violent political extremism, Tom Warrick and Mick Mulroy, Atlantic Council, August 15, 2023. Please click here.
Human Rights and Humanitarian Efforts
- Begin with the children: Child soldier numbers doubled in the Middle East in 2019, Mick Mulroy, Eric Oehlerich, and Zack Baddorf, Middle East Institute, April 14, 2020. Please click here.
- Podcast: Child soldiers in the Middle East, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, April 17, 2020. Please click here.
- Froglogic Podcast Michael Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich Help Child Soldiers, Mick Mulroy and Eric Ohlerich, Froglogic, May 15, 2020. Please click here.
- Inheriting Manhood Podcast, E95 – Man, Michael Patrick Mulroy. “Michael Patrick Mulroy has a fascinating background and an attitude of service. His career choices have seen him serve in the Marine Corps, the CIA, and even in government as the Assistant Secretary of Defense to the Middle East.” Please click here.
- Analysis: How the US can combat the soldiering of children, Mick Mulroy, Eric Oehlerich, Sasha Lezhnev, ABC News, March 18, 2021. Please click here.
- Global Crisis Watch: The LRA’s Political Objectives in Uganda, Putting an End to Child Soldiering, Media Maven Podcast. Please click here.
- DSP: End Child Soldiering with Michael “Mick” Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Montana World Affairs Council, April 18, 2023. Please click here to view.
- My Star in the Sky, a documentary about Anthony and Florence Opoka, two child soldiers in the Lord’s Resistance Army, by Mick Mulroy, Eric Oehlerich, and Mark Rausenberger. 2017.
- All the Glimmering Stars, a book based on the documentary and story of Anthony and Florence Opoka, Mark Sullivan, Amazon, May 7, 2024.
- Simple Solutions to Complex Problems with Mick Mulroy and Worth Parker, Veteran Made with Carey Kight, September 30. Please click here.
- Mick Mulroy retired CIA PMOO and Worth Parker retired USMC discuss humanitarian aid, Episode 59, We Fight Monsters, Michael Kurcina, August 2024. Please click here.
Stoicism Philosophy
- A Case for a Philosopher-King, Mick Mulroy, Modern Stoicism, September 26, 2020. Please click here.
- Podcast: Philosopher Kings, Ethics and Wisdom, Mick Mulroy, Modern Stoicism, October 8, 2020. Please click here.
- ABC Perspective Podcast: The role of moral leadership and civility in national security, Mick Mulroy, ABC News, November 2, 2020. Please click here.
- ABC News: Where philosophy intersects with war training: stoic soldiers, Mick Mulroy, ABC News, November 30, 2020. Please click here.
- Podcast: Mick Mulroy, and Where Philosophy and Soldiering Intersect, Mick Mulroy, Modern Stoicism, December 10, 2020. Please click here.
- Webinar: U.S. Army National Guard Conference on Stoicism, Mick Mulroy – Stoicism for the Military, From Armoring the Mind of the Citizen-Soldier: Virtual Stoic Conference, 8th January 2021. (This event was not hosted by Modern Stoicism.) Please click here.
- Why the Military should teach Stoicism, by Donald Robertson and Mick Mulroy, ABC News, February 5, 2021. Please click here.
- Episode 20: Mick Mulroy Episode: The power of ethics and a call to a greater good, The Stay Savage Podcast, April 25, 2021. Please click here.
- Stoicon-X Military, Time for the Stoic Soldier, Modern Stoicism and the Aurelius Foundation, May 16, 2021. Please click here.
- Honor of a Nation: A Case for Stoicism in Foreign Policy, Mick Mulroy, Adam Piercey, Donald Robertson, Modern Stoicism, November 29, 2021. Please click here.
- The Stoic’s Mirror, Mick Mulroy, Plato’s Academy Centre, February 2, 2022. Please click here.
- Stoic Philosophy with Mick Mulroy, Stoa Meditations podcast hosted by Caleb Ontiveros, June 28, 2022. Please click here.
- Anthony Opoka: The Stoic and Didn’t Know It, Mick Mulroy, Plato’s Academy Centre, June 29, 2022. Please click here.
- Socrates as Sargeant Major, the ancient Greek philosopher and war hero, Donald Robertson and Mick Mulroy, Plato’s Academy Centre, September 10, 2022. Please click here.
- Can the Stoics be Patriots? Stoa Podcast, with Michael Tremblay, November 14, 2022. Please click here.
- Patriotism: A Dangerously Misunderstood Virtue, by Tom Morris and Mick Mulroy, Plato’s Academy Centre, November 17, 2022. Please click here.
- Lead Like A Spartan, Mick Mulroy, Plato’s Academy Centre, November 28, 2022. Please click here.
- Video Presentation: Lead Like a Spartan, Mick Mulroy, Plato’s Academy Centre, December 3, 2022. Please click here.
- Mick Mulroy on the Beauty of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations and the Collective Need for Philosophy, Daily Stoic, February 10, 2024. Please click here.
- Stoicism & Philosophy w/ Mick Mulroy, Board of Advisors at Plato’s Academy Centre, Veteran Made, October 14, 2024. Please click here.
- A Tale of Two Republics, Stoicism’s Case Against Autocracy, Mick Mulroy, Plato’s Academy Centre, September 12, 2024. Please click here.
- Talk to U.S. Naval Academy on Stoicism, Mick Mulroy, March 2, 2025. Please click here.